Friday, January 27, 2012

FZD Graduation

Hey guys, my term is finally coming to an end, and my graduation is gonna be held on next Saturday. Pop over when you guys are free, spread the news when you can. Details as below:

Date: 04 Feb 2012 (Sat)

Time: 6pm - 10pm

Place: *SCAPE, Lvl 5 (2 Orchard Link)




Sunday, December 4, 2011

Nathan Fowkes

Hey guys!

So I just came back to the apartment from Nathan Fowkes' workshop, and I've learnt quite a few things over the 5-hour talk about colour and lighting, which I thought I'd share with you guys. Nathan Fowkes has been working at Dreamworks for over 17 years (if I'm not wrong), and he's worked on Prince of Egpyt, Sinbad, Spirit, Puss in Boots, Shrek: Forever After, How to Train Your Dragon and etc. He does mostly colour keys as well as production paintings.

I am sorry to say that there isn't a lot of visuals to work with, and these are the most I could churn out during the talk because it was going so fast, and all I could do is write down notes on Pages. I've attached a link to download the PDF file to my notes, if you want it. They're all written in mel-language (not Maya) so if there's anything you're not sure, I can try to explain it.

[Download the PDF here]

Here's also a tidbit on a couple of Scott Willis' (Samurai Jack) stuff:

Monday, October 31, 2011


emma frost redesign
elf girl

Books or authors that is good for me
  • Force by Michael Matessi
  • Bridgman
  • imaginee
  • Dreamworlds by Hans Bacher

Thursday, September 29, 2011


It's still free and they have versions for both Mac & Windows.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First exercise of the week: Fundamentals of Painting

So last week was my first week at Laguna College of Art and Design, and I did an exercise for Fundamentals of Painting. It's in oil paint, and it's a grayscale chart and a sphere (no reference).

It's pretty good practice. Oh btw, I recommend James Gurney's Color and Light: A guide for the Realist Painter. It's quite informative.

 Main points I learnt from this exercise:

- Make sure the darkest light isn't darker than the lightest dark
- Value is relative, so compare values next to each other
- Start from big shapes, and then add detail with smaller shapes
- Try not to blend first, show exactly where the hard shadows are, then blend in the soft shadows after. It's easier to view where your light and shadows are.
- The most focused area is the point where light is shining on the object (largest contrast)
- Occlusions are areas that light does not reach at all

So yeah, this is first week at LCAD. I did other exercises, but I'll probably post them later instead. Good luck with painting and stuff. (:

P.S. : I'll just keep editing this post if I think of any other points I learnt from this exercise. They're probably all very basic stuff, but I hope they're useful. (: And a disclaimer, all these points don't exactly apply to all paintings, so yeah.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mmm tasty Marios!

Paper Toy Design Competition with awesome prizes! (template given)

Check it out and see if you're interested.