Monday, June 21, 2010

Circus WIP

Serious is anyone going to post something about the circus? LOL
Well any way here is my Block out of my character. Around 30% complete i think
Did simple block out of lighting and character shape+ actions . Random yellow
Patch is the light direction

1hr and a half hour

YES this character is not orginal ..... hahaha lazy to make a brand new character
Character From ( Teamfortress 2 )

Overdue: Magic

Whups. It took me about 1 1/2 weeks to post this up even though it was like done for a while now. I swear this blog is dead... D:

About 4 hours (seperately cuz I was getting distracted... a lot); Photoshop cs4

Sunday, June 20, 2010

FZD graduates's websites

Please comment

Monday, June 14, 2010


hi i am yi xiong i just joined nice to see everyone

Friday, June 11, 2010

Please comment

Hi finally in to the blog ...... LoL
Blame meow for taking so long to add me.. its so her FAULT

Anyway.. i notice no one commenting on the paintings.
No comments = the painter don't know how to improve on his next painting

SO i really hope ur could comments on each others painting in how to improve in their next painting Thank you

PS: haha i know i haven't upload any painting yet =D

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

THIS WEEK THEME Sex No wait Circus

THIS WEEK THEME Sex No wait Circus

Sunday, June 6, 2010

goblin enchanter

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ok someone's getting ahead of himself

Ok ok someone's getting real quick on his feet (hands) so Likun, this is your last set theme. Next week someone else has to set the theme cause everyone should be given a chance to set the theme atleast once. Nigel you're next.