Monday, June 21, 2010

Overdue: Magic

Whups. It took me about 1 1/2 weeks to post this up even though it was like done for a while now. I swear this blog is dead... D:

About 4 hours (seperately cuz I was getting distracted... a lot); Photoshop cs4


Anonymous said...

lol looks like alladin and the magic lamp.... but this alladin is afraid of the genie in the lamp. cowaring from the genie, and the genie looks imposing ...

Kcf said...

YAY nice composition

+1 rep (LOL)

Red said...

Kun > Thanks! Yay that means it passed. B: Yeah supposed to be aladdin and genies are supposed to be scary! They're big and magical! >_<

CF> Lol thanks =D

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