Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dark Spires (update)

Some ideas for what to put in the "evil" faction environment, based on the "big bad evil god almost breaking out of his prison and corrupting everything" story that we discussed.

I was thinking that the evil landscape would have these large spiky, twisted rocks that resemble hands or spikes trying to break out of the land, they don't have five fingers to make them look less human and more like a beast's claws or talons.

Comments and advice plz. Also please share any ideas you have for the evil environment.


likun said...

number 5 looks like a hand ^^
overall not evil enuf....thats what i think
add more evil color^^ muhahahahhaha!!!

Josef said...

Can try putting it in a volcano lighting or environment. Can look more evil.

NJ said...

OOO work on 5 or 6~~~ I think the hand looking one will fit the story better

YX said...

number 5 good... because it looks like it is anticipating something from the sky.... good for storytelling

Long Junhong said...

Thanks for the feedback guys. Trying out the volcano environment suggestion now. Will work on no. 5 with some mixing and matching.

Added some changes for the spires and a few colour mood test things.

Hope I dont make it look too much like Mordor or something (or is that a good thing!?)

NJ said...

looks nothing like mordor without the eye ha....the scene looks good (bottom most) but i think you should change that spire at the back to number 5 so it looks like some throne for the evil god when he fully comes back to life you know yep

YX said...

feng zhu say it is ok to look like something that already exist because it is marketable to the general public...

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