Monday, January 31, 2011

HouseHold Boy (HHB)


Long Junhong said...

looks great, almost looks like a professional vector illustration.

Did it take long?

NJ.Goh said...

Ehhhhh well it took around the same time as the tribesman or maybe just a little longer, 6-7 hours? yeah...but the cutting from the background I felt should be stretched longer vertically like all the way near the feet rather than a square that encases the upper half only.

jh said...

I think it's good where it is. It gives it the the "block box" effect you see on character designs and if you squint your eyes it helps you frame your character's face nicely.

Though I realised after squinting that the black and white HHB logo is actually the first read, so depending on what you're going for it might distract from the character itself.

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