Saturday, October 16, 2010

evil environment sketches

Things have been pretty quiet.

Anyway, here's some sketches for the ''evil'' environment. I chose 2 major landmarks - the 4-fingered claw/hand thing and a big mean volcano.

Will still be doing a last round of sketches to try and nail the correct perspective and composition I'm trying to get. Most likely it'll be something like number 6, 9 and 10 - a far, birds-eyeish distant view of the landscape. Not exactly 100% happy with the colours tho.

Feedbacks and ideas appreciated, thanks!


YX said...

1 and 6 pop out... the rest just don't cut it...

1.need the lightest light and the darkest dark... some pics dont have it...

2. some shapes not clear it's all rocks... can include bridges, street lamps, special pavements, dead botany, barracks, furnaces, thrones, shrines, tunnel entrances, torn flags, vehicles, critters, energy stones, great wall of china, tall towers with flaming top, lanterns, hanging chains,weed and cables, spiral stairs, lightning, typhoon, hurricanes and many more..

Jh said...

Good, good. Thanks!

Interesting - nigel also liked no. 1 as well, his was because he liked the colours and composition - one big volcano and all the rocks pointing at it. His advice was mostly on tweaking the colour - looks too stale now just reds and oranges.

Anything specific elements you like on any of the sketches that you think is worth keeping/improving on?

Right now I'm almost decided on the perspective and field of view I want, working on the two main elements (hand and volcano) and then adding the variations.

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