Sunday, August 15, 2010


some barbarian dude still working on the details


YX said...

what is that thing strapped onto his bicep?

Jh said...

I think it's a spiked leather armband.

Before you add more details, maybe you would want to clean up the overall image first?

I think it'll to make your painting feel more like a whole - because you got an amazingly detailed head but some areas are just really rough.

Just a few parts I think would help if you cleaned them up more

The lions and legs - too photoshop copy and paste, paint over it a bit more

The feet - looks really small and seem to be bent in a wierd angle

HAAAANDSSSS, armbands and the weapons - too rough

The thing on top of the head (hair?) - Either erase it for now or clean it up, it might distract you

Hope it helps. Oh God that was a long comment.

YX said...

ok.. good.. i feel this character is a leader because he is pimped

add ambient occlusion inside the thighs too

use pen tool to create weapons once ur idea is solidified..

if you squint your eyes or alpha channel the barb you will discover that the back mounted weapons silhouette is merging with shoulder/neck pad

nigel said...

thanks guys i am working on it . hopefully i will post end of this week

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